Life-Altering Moments, Chapter1, Paragraph 1

WayneRainbowSagittarius in Hebrew is called Keshet, or rainbow. My Sagittarius entered a new realm four months ago yesterday:

After Heather’s and my all-night vigil;
After the reading of Becky’s words of devotion;
After the arrival of his brother, his son and a granddaughter–(and practically his whole wonderful clan!);
After Lisa intuitively supplied a small bottle of Jim Beam and shot glasses;
After a glimmer of a Wayne-smile when Heather dabbed a bit of Beam on his lips;
After a whimsical family moment–and so fitting for Wayne’s sense of humor!–when the persona of Peewee Herman walked into the room;
After the forgiveness of sins prayer and a jostle to my elbow;
When I lifted my head from his shoulder and saw him at peace at last and then later when I arrived home to a double rainbow.

A symbolic gift from Wayne?